One world, many flavours, similar tastes

Yesterday we had guests from Sweden, Brazil and Australia all on the same tour and it was fascinating sharing food and travel stories. Although the guests had just arrived in Yangon and never experienced Myanmar food before they were pleased to see similarities between their home cuisines here and there. It turns out people in Brazil love the infamous durian fruit just as much as the Burmese. The Swedes were impressed with the local approach to fish and the many ways it can be prepared, cooked and preserved - similar to the Swedish respect for fish.

Not technically a food but the local beetlenut which many people here chew on to provide a little buzz of stimulation also isn't too dissimilar to the little parcels of Swedish snus. Although no one on the tour seems likely to take up the beetlenut habit.

Approaching Sule Pagoda on the evening street food tour

Approaching Sule Pagoda on the evening street food tour

Thanks to Tash for sharing some photos from the night.



Deep in discussion

Deep in discussion

Snapshots of Yangon from a foodie

Thanks to Ian from California who came along on an evening tour and got these great shots.